Saturday, January 21, 2012

CI on the map!

Matt and I have been tuning in to all the GOP debates lately which got me thinking about the political maps that pop up during election time... which then got me thinking- I wonder what a CinnamonInk map would look like? I mean, where exactly have all those prints ended up anyway?  This is how my brain works.

So I spent the last half hour maping out my online sales.  I honestly am suprised and thrilled to see my art is nearly in every state!  Can I just say how crazy cool that feels?  I tell ya, all that business about following a dream is good stuff.  I also looked through orders shipped to:

United Kingdom

I remember my first order was to Australia and I couldn't believe it, and yet a year and a half later it still gets me excited. Thank you to everyone who has found joy in my art!  Now I don't want to name any names but Montana, West Virginia... you know what you gatta do. ;)



  1. New follower :) Exciting that you're almost to all 50 states :)

  2. Hi Kate,
    You can add Oklahoma to this map, too. How fun! I ordered last year but had it shipped to my parents address in Utah. Just thought you'd want to check off one more. :)
    Love your work!!
