Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Challenge...

Ok so I'm not the BEST blogger out there... aaand I doubt your gasping at your computer screen in shock at this statement. I dabble on my art blog here and there posting as I like, and generally I like it just that way. However, I'm now officially on summer break from my day job of teaching special ed kids. I already miss them, I don't want to talk about it... that being said I've suddenly got a lot of free time on my hands until summer school starts and I'm not complaining.

SO, with this extra time I've decided to devote a good portion of June to some major marathoning with my art. I am SO excited to have some free time and energy (that hasn't been sucked out by cute little 1st through 6th graders) to really explore and CREATE all day long... I can't wait! It's going to be nice to live the life of a full time artist for a few weeks (and learn how to focus my easily distracted self, ooo a squirel!).

As part of this little experiment I'm committing myself to blog every weekday in June about what I am doing and what's going on with my sketchbook. Like I said, I'm easily distracted, so having all day to do what I want makes me feel like my head might explode. A little focus and accountability should be a good thing. So tomorrow it begins.

Hello June... here we go.


Image here.

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