Monday, April 11, 2011

Wouldn't it be nice.

Wouldn't it be nice to be in London for the day? For my first day of spring break I devoted my morning to being a domestic diva and checking some things off my overdo "to do" list. Around 10:30 a friend called saying she knew I was on break and wanted to chat. I was still not showered from my run and cleaning my house in a mad frenzy, so naturally she said she wanted to join. I loved the help patching jeans, frosting/eating cupcakes and folding laundry (she's a REALLY good friend).

While busy we talked about traveling and places we want to go and of course London came up because it's (in my opinion) the most charming city in the world... I spent a spring term there two years ago studying humanities and the arts, and like everyone who goes there I fell in love with the city. We would spend hours and hours wandering through the Tate museums and my favorite- the National Gallery. I would spend Sunday afternoons chatting with the artists who sell their work on the fences of Hyde Park, then I would go in, find my bench in Kensington Garden and pull out my watercolors to paint what I saw. I'm going to find those little paintings and post them soon...

Today my house is clean minus the gaping hole the plumber made in the wall this afternoon, but that is a whole other story about our very old little house. I'm choosing not to think about it though, I'll think about London instead.


*Image found here.

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